Code of Conduct

8th Letchworth Scouts Code of Conduct – revised by the scouts, September 2019

By joining 8th Letchworth Scouts we expect the following:

As a Leader I will:

  1. Treat everyone equally
  2. Makes sure Leaders and Scouts have fun

As a Scout I will:

  • Respect each other and the leaders
  • Respect each others personal space
  • No swearing
  • Be kind to each other
  • Respect equality
  • No bullying
  • Everyone to get involved
  • Listen to each other
  • Have good manners

We have also introduced an orange and red card system. Any scouts that continue to invade each others personal space, keep being physical, are heard swearing will be given a warning. If two warnings are given in any one meeting then they will be asked to miss the next meeting. This will apply to all scouts. Scouts wrestling with each other will both be given a warning.


Additionally we also expect the following from the parent/carers:

  • The Scout data sheet to be completed annually and leaders to be notified of any changes in details at other times
  • Membership (subs) to be paid on time at the beginning of each term (speak to us if you are having difficulty)
  • Let us know if the young person is not attending a meeting
  • Support fundraising and Group activities
  • Help with clearing up after camps e.g. unloading trailer, drying wet tents
  • Let us know of any skills you have